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PTSD: Pathways Through the Secret Door Headline Animator

Learn How To Harness The Power Of Your Dreams For Greater Wealth, Happier Relationships And A More Fulfilling Life!

PLUS, 10,000 Dreams Interpreted With Easy To Understand Meanings!

Understanding The Power Of Your Dreams!
The wife of a captain who has gone out to the Indian mutiny sees one night her husband standing before her with his hands pressed to his breast, and a look of suffering on his face. The agitation that she feels convinces her that he is either killed or badly wounded. It was November 14th. The War Office subsequently publishes his death as having taken place on November 15th. She endeavors to have the true date ascertained. The War Office was wrong. He died on the 14th. ``A child six years old stops in the middle of his play and cries out, frightened: ``Mamma, I have seen Mamma.'' At that moment his mother was dying far away from him ``A young girl at a ball stops short in the middle of a dance and cries, bursting into tears. `My father is dead; I have just seen him.' At that moment her father died. She did not even know he was ill. ``All these things present themselves to us as indicating not physiological operations of one brain acting on another, but psychic actions of spirit upon spirit. We feel that they indicate to us some power unknown. This is the power dreams have over our life. They can shape and mold our future in all sorts of ways, and by harnessing that power we end up changing our lives for the better.

STOP! Do You Want To Learn The Meanings Of Your Dreams?

I Guarantee You That You Will Learn Everything You Need To Know About Dream Interpretation In This Ebook Or Your Money Back!

Informative And Easy To Read!

Dear Friend, For centuries people have been trying to harness the power of dreams for their own use. The Bible, as well as other great books of historical and revealed religion, shows traces of a general and substantial belief in dreams. Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon assigned to certain dreams prophetic value. Joseph saw eleven stars of the Zodiac bow to himself, the twelfth star. The famine of Egypt was revealed by a vision of fat and lean cattle. The parents of Christ were warned of the cruel edict of Herod, and fled with the Divine Child into Egypt. Pilate's wife, through the influence of a dream, advised her husband to have nothing to do with the conviction of Christ. But the gross materialism of the day laughed at dreams, as it echoed the voice and verdict of the multitude, ``Crucify the Spirit, but let the flesh live.'' Barabbas, the robber, was set at liberty. Profane, as well as sacred, history is threaded with incidents of dream prophecy. Ancient history relates that Gennadius was convinced of the immortality of his soul by conversing with an apparition in his dream. Through the dream of Cecilia Metella, the wife of a Consul, the Roman Senate was induced to order the temple of Juno Sospita rebuilt. The Emperor Marcian dreamed he saw the bow of the Hunnish conqueror break on the same night that Attila died. Plutarch relates how Augustus, while ill, through the dream of a friend, was persuaded to leave his tent, which a few hours after was captured by the enemy, and the bed whereon he had lain was pierced with the enemies' swords. If Julius Caesar had been less incredulous about dreams he would have listened to the warning which Calpurnia, his wife, received in a dream. This is why for thousands of years we've been trying to understand and harness the power of our dreams.

Give me 15 to 20 minutes and I'll show you how to get results you can measure.... or your money back!

Here is what you will learn when you buy this guide.....

  • The meaning of over 10,000 dreams interpreted into plain easy to understand english I don't know about you, but I've brought a few "dream guides" before from bookstores and they usually only cover the very basics. If you want to know what death means and a few other more common dreams, then by all means, buy one of those books, but if you want over 10,000 dreams analyzed for you in an easy to read format, look no further.
  • What dreams are and how to harness their powers You will learn how dreams are formed and why we do dream in the first place. A dream to the average or sensual person, bears the same relation to his objective life that it maintained in the case of the ideal dreamer, but it means pleasures, sufferings and advancements on a lower or material plane.
  • How to develop the power to dream the dreams you want to dream A person can, if he will, completely relax his mind and body to the receptive mood required for dreams to appear as realities, or true explanations of future events.
  • How to harness the subconscious memory The subconscious memory may be the direct cause of certain dreams. When the mind is centered on certain things, the sleeper goes over his life again and again in phantom fashion. He lives over the experiences of his daily life. Very often the ego enlightens the sleeper of some material thing for his own benefit, which he may use advantageously in his waking state, but as he generally looks at the phenomena of dreams as an hallucination of the brain, he allows many a golden opportunity to slip through his fingers because the materialist's brain cannot grasp things of the spirit.
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Quantum Mind Power

Liberate yourself from self-limiting thoughts and feelings

Subliminal Learning

The threshold being tracked by the listenerImage via Wikipedia

Subliminal learning is the use of techniques that allow people to learn even without any conscious effort at all. It does this by exposing one to stimulus they are not or barely aware of – images that flash on the screen for barely perceptible moments, words played over and over again at a volume just above the hearing threshold, or other such stimulus. The discovery of such methods has aroused the excitement of many people because of its potential to boost the learning process and make acquiring new skills a lot more painless and effective.

The possibilities are definitely boundless. Just imagine. If this were true, you would be able to learn new things without having to buckle down and do the dirty work. For example, it has been argued that learning a language is theoretically possible using subliminal techniques – no need for books, teachers, and other learning implements, except for your subliminal learning equipment. You also won’t have to lose time to learn tedious language lessons. You could have your subliminal equipment on while you do other stuffs – and in some programs – even while you sleep.

Some common applications of subliminal learning include new languages, vocabulary skills, music, and even behavior modification programs.

It may seem ridiculous at first, but once you get a good grasp of the theories of learning – plus the potential and limitations of subliminal learning - you will find out that it really isn’t implausible after all. For example, there are actually things you do every day that you learn even if you don’t expend any conscious effort to do so.

Ever wondered how a song got stuck in your head even if you hated the song and tried your best not to pay attention to it? Somehow, the meaty chorus of the song finds its way into your subconscious and never leaves, doesn’t it?

What about words? Haven’t you wondered how a certain word came into your vocabulary even though you never remembered trying to memorize the word or use it purposefully? You probably heard the word somewhere – maybe at work, or from your friends, or even from the TV or the radio, and suddenly, poof, it’s made permanent residence in your head - without your notice.

Now, looking at these examples, people have begun to wonder about the possibilities if we could push the envelope and take advantage of this particular quirk in one’s learning process to somehow “accelerate” the rate of learning among students. Thus was born the wonders of subliminal learning.

Scientists have been digging hard and thorough on the subject of subliminal learning. Although it is theoretically possible to have such techniques do much for accelerated learning, there will always be skeptics who look for empirical proof from scientific studies before even considering subliminal learning. Little by little, these scientists have come to learn more about how we process and store knowledge, and are receiving heartening results from their studies on subliminal learning.

On a small scale, they are convinced that some skills can be learned through subliminal learning – especially those that are not “high-process” data such as patterns, words, numbers, and other easy visual data. Other skills such as languages and mathematics are “high-process” skills that require full attention and thought when performed. However, learning these skills is still beneficial when learned in conjunction with subliminal learning.


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Why “letting go” is vital to your success by Gary Evans

Why “letting go” is vital
to your success
Instead of diving into theory and telling you why the Law of Attraction works the
way it does, I'm going to be discussing the action you need to take in order to
bring about the manifestations. You will learn a little theory, but my main focus is
on getting you to a point where you feel confident in knowing what you need to do
to start deliberately creating.
After all, that's why you're reading this report. You want results, and I want them
for you too.
If you've known about the Law of Attraction for any amount of time, you've
probably heard people say that you need to let go of your desires in order to see
them manifest.
Others say that you should visualize them every single day until they manifest.
My own opinion on the matter is that "letting go" is one of the most important
stages in the manifestation process. If you can't let go of the attachment to the
desire itself, you won't ever be able to see it manifest for you.
A lot of people want to manifest more money, but because they really need to
manifest the money, they find it difficult letting the desire go and releasing it to
the universe.
You see... you create in two different stages.
The first stage of creation happens when you form the desire. As you see an
unpaid bill, you immediately form the desire of wanting more money. It's
automatic and it happens without you ever realizing that you're asking for more
However, if you stay in this mode and never move forward, you're always going to
be wanting. Wanting can never attract to you what you want, since wanting is the
opposite of having it. It is the lack of it.
The second part of the creation process is when you get into alignment with your
desires. Getting into alignment is what will bring the manifestation into the
physical world. Holding onto the desire and staying in the desire forming stage
If you want to manifest anything into the physical world, you've got to move out of
the desire forming stage and into the alignment stage.

Click Here! Now to Read Gary Evans Book Manifest A Miracle
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Ask, It Is Given

Ask, it is given
by song chengxiang All right reserved
"Ask, it is given." I know you have heard it a million times. You may think this is only true in stories and movies, and it will never happen to you. But I can tell you that this is a universal truth that works for everyone, including you.

Today I am going to reveal to you the real meaning of this truth, and the step by step process that you can use to live by this principle. Before I tell you the techniques, I would like to discuss with you why this law works perfectly and why this is an absolute truth.

Scientists have been studying the human brain for centuries. They know the anatomy of the brain very well, but they have failed to locate the place in our brain where our thoughts come from. They probably will never succeed, because thoughts come though our brain, but they are not manufactured in our brain. Where do they actually come from? They come from a pure unified mind field, where everything is manifested. Some people call this field the Universal Mind, or Cosmic Mind, some call it God, or source energy. They basically mean the same thing. It is the unified field that is the origin of thoughts, the origin of you and me, and everything in this world. We are all extensions of this field, and we are all one with the field. Think of the ocean and the waves. When we see waves, we see millions of different patterns, and we think they are all different and separate from each other, but in essence, they are all extensions of the ocean. We are extensions of the unified field in the same sense.

Since we and the unified field or God are one, then our thoughts are God's thoughts, our desires are God's desires. Do you think God will fail to fulfill his own desires? Of course not. Then why should we worry about our desires? Whatever we ask, it is given.

Then the logical question is: Why am I still living a life of struggle? Why am I still experiencing anxiety and unhappiness? The answer if simple. No matter what you are experiencing now, you have invited or asked for at some point in the past. Any time you have a thought of anxiety and worry, you are asking for more of the same. We are always asking unconsciously, and most of the time, we are asking negatively.

We are living in a negative world. Most people think negatively all the time. We don't need to blame anyone; this is the way life works. Without overcoming these negative forces, we are unable to grow; just as without overcoming the gravitational force, we could not climb up a mountain. Then the question is, how to overcome these negative forces or negative thoughts? We overcome them by replacing them with positive ones. It is easier said than done; I know very few people can do it. Over the years, I have learned some very profound and powerful techniques from the world’s best masters. These techniques are very easy to apply, but very powerful. I guarantee you, as long as you apply them, you will quickly see benefits within days, sometimes instantly!

Get your intentions clear!

In order to receive, you must first ask, and you must get clear on what to ask. We have 60,000 thoughts every day - which ones are important? And many of the thoughts are in conflict. Imagine you have a thought of going to London, but at the same time you have another thought of going to New York. Then which one should the universe fulfill? In fact there is no way it can fulfill either, there will be no result. So getting clear on what to ask is the first important step.
Technique No.1: Intention writing

The first technique for getting clear on what you want is what I call intention writing. This technique is from Brian Tracy, but I have modified it a little bit so that it works better for me. Here is what you do with this technique. Every morning when you wake up and every night before you retire, write down all the things you want in the form of intentions. And here is what it should look like.

"I intend to ....now. I accept this or something better"

If you want to have a new BMW car, you should state

"I intend to manifest a new BMW car now. I accept this or something better."

I don't recommend that you change the wording, because I believe this format is very powerful.

After writing down all your intentions, write these words " please make these or something better happen in the ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Do it exactly like I say, don't change the words and the format. I don't have enough space here to explain why these words are so important, but trust me, you will see your results when you use it.

Technique No.2: Make a deal with your inner CEO

This is a technique I learned from Bob Scheinfeld. Prepare a small box, and put it in a private place where only you can access it. Write your top desires on pieces of paper, and put them into the box. You have to make a deal with your higher self (or God, Bob calls it your inner CEO). The deal is, whatever you put into this box is important for you.

By using the first two techniques, you will be able to post your request to the unified field successfully.

Get connected to the unified field
Technique No.3: 15 minutes short meditation

Meditate for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Simply focus on your breathing, and when you find your mind wandering, bring it back to your breath. This technique will help you reconnect with the unified field, and restore your energy. The unified field works best for you when you feel the connection. This simple technique will make a huge difference in your life. Trust me on this.

The next two techniques will help you clear all your negative blocks, and work harmoniously with the field; therefore speeding up the process of manifesting your desires.

Technique No.4: 17 seconds of flip switch

This is my favorite technique, I learned it from the legendary Dr Robert Anthony. It dramatically changed the quality of my life, and will change yours as well. Most self improvement programs fail, because they don't work in the moment. When we have a negative feeling, we must correct it in the moment, don't allow it to accumulate. This is exactly what flip switch does. From time to time during the day, take at least 17 seconds to think about good feelings. Think of the people or things that you feel good about, and feel grateful for. Think of anything that makes you feel good, and focus on that for 17 seconds. You can do this when you are feeling bad, so that you can feel good; you can also do it when you feel good, so that you will feel even better. I suggest you make a list of things that you feel grateful for, or things you enjoy doing. Look at that list several times during the day, and focus on it for just 17 seconds. You will see dramatic changes in your life.

Technique No.5: 3 minutes Power Pause

This is John Harricharan's famous 3 minute power pause technique. It works like a charm. Before you do this exercise, make a deal with yourself that no matter what problem you have right now, you will leave it alone and take only 3 minutes to think about whatever you want to think. In this 3 minutes, you can think of anything. The exercise consists of 3 steps: step one: disconnect from your problems. Once you have made the deal with yourself, this step is done. The second step is to think of how you would feel if your desires had already come true, really experience it in your mind. The third step is to say thank you, and feel grateful. These are all done within 3 minutes.

Simple? Then do it.

Trust the Process

You will find there are times when you worry about whether your desires will be fulfilled. When this happens, you must remind yourself of the truth.

Here are things I tell myself to remind me of the truth.
"The life in me is inseparably connected with all life that exists and is entirely devoted to my personal advancement"

The second script I use is from Dr Robert Anthony's "Rapid manifestation" program

Here it goes: That which I seek is seeking me. I let go of how it will come to me and I focus on my heart’s desire. My higher self within me knows how to make it happen, so I just relax and let go. Everything that is necessary for the fulfillment of my desires is lovingly and harmoniously drawn to me. I accept this or something better. I am ready, receptive and grateful, and so it is.

Apply these techniques, and I guarantee you will see wonderful results within days.


Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online ebooks "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system and get a FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse Click Here!

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Being: extracted from the book A Happy Pocket Full of Money

see filenameImage via Wikipedia

Being is state, such as being happy. You cannot explain state, nor can you do a state. You can only be a state. You cannot do happiness; you can only be happiness or be happy. Creation works as follows: being causes thinking, which causes speaking, which causes doing, which puts in place the system to receive and experience what you created in your being and thinking. Being is the First Cause.

Being is what causes thinking. So, when you are happy, you will think happy thoughts. Thoughts spring from being. In other words, thoughts are sponsored by being. In fact, nothing happens without being. As you will see in later chapters, even conditions occur because of a state of being, and not the other way around as most people think they do. Happy conditions do not make you happy. It is being happy that causes happy conditions. Unhappy conditions only show up to prove your pre-existing state of unhappiness. By the time you finish reading the chapters on Cause and Effect and on Conditionality, you will clearly see how this is so.

The first step to experiencing massive wealth is being wealthy. Being wealthy is an internal state. It has nothing to do with the outside world. The internal state of wealth is a decision you make right now and you become it, right now. You need nothing outside of yourself to make this decision. Once you make this decision to be wealthy, you become wealthy. It is hard to speak of this because you can only be a state (you cannot do a state nor speak a state). We shall now try to speak of this state, and when you finish this chapter, you will clearly see how being works and how you can be wealthy right now.

Be wealth, Now, Here, just like that...

Be Wealth. Do not try to get wealth. Be Wealth. To help you understand that, consider happiness. Do not try to get happiness, Be Happy. See? You can either try to do things that make you happy, or you can instantly decide to be happy, just make a decision. You have done this before sometime in your life. Everyone has at one time or another said 'you know what, I am not going to let this bother me. I am going to be happy and stop worrying about this.' Which is easier? Trying to do things to be something, or being that something instantly and letting that state of being allow you to do things consistent with it? Of course it is easier to be happy instead trying to get happy. And this is the same with wealth. Be Wealth. And everything else will follow automatically, as long as you are always, at all moments, Being Wealth. Just Be It.


As you will see throughout this book and in the chapter on Quantum Physics, all that can possibly exist exists in the eternal moment of Now, Here. Even the version of you that is wealthy and experiencing wealth already exists - if you are not experiencing wealth right now, you are just not conscious or awake to it. When you choose to be a certain state right now, here, you activate the fastest forces of creation. What happens then is that you immediately move your consciousness to that other you (in this case the wealthy you). Being is the fastest way to create things, because it causes an instant shift. Material manifestation follows instantly to the degree that you have become that state without doubt. Again, to the degree that you have become that state without doubt, your reality will quickly shift to reflect it. As impossible as this may sound now, it will all make sense when you consider the real workings of this universe, especially after reading the Quantum Physics and Conditionality chapters.


The fastest way to create is to simply be, right now, whatever you wish to create. Then do not negate it by thought. Do not think about it. Just be. All your thoughts, words and actions after that should then be of that new state you chose to be. If you are not wealthy and you wish to become wealthy, just decide right now, to be wealthy from this moment of Now. Do not then start to think about it, just choose to be. From then on, all your thoughts, words and actions should be of a wealthy person. In Ultimate Reality, this is not a lie to you. You are actually all things anyway, even though you may be experiencing small sections of the all. By choosing to be something else, you cause your environment and circumstances to shift to experience the new state.


Remember, thought comes from being. A state of being is what causes thought. A state of hunger causes thoughts of hunger. Being is the First Cause. Being is, thought is doing. Being just is. Being takes no time to be, but thought takes time to do things into being. So, the fastest way to wealth is being wealthy, now, instantly. Change your being to a wealthy one. Do so by deciding right now and knowing it to be so with certainty, against any 'evidence' to the contrary in your physical world (which is an illusion anyway). Do it with certainty and clarity and keep holding that state of being. Know you are wealthy, for in ultimate reality, you really are actually very wealthy indeed. And you will very quickly begin to experience this wealth, very quickly in deed. Not many can pull this off because they doubt this, but we all have the capability to do this. Simply declare, knowingly and certainly, 'I Am...' And then do not start thinking about it all over again after that; that will only introduce delay and doubt. This is what I mean: remember the last time you were in a state of being broke or sad? You did not consciously think about the state, questioning whether it is real, whether you were really broke or sad. You just took it for granted that you were - you believed it unquestioningly. You were just that state and that was that. You were simply it. Now do it with wealth. Be wealth, believe it, and make it as that is that, no questions asked. The universe will obey.


The sequence of creation is as follows: the unified field of consciousness that is non-physical (God, The Source) individuates itself into non-physical units (individuated spirits or souls of various beings and objects). These units then take on individuated physical forms - the objects, people, and beings that we see. Whatever it is that you see physically is created in this sequence from, of and by The Source of All That Is, God. You are a co-creator in this creation sequence - you create together with The Source, in the same sequence.

In regards to wealth, therefore, you can now see how futile it is to look at your individuated physical aspects (like your bank account, your material wealth, your body, etc) and let what you see influence your individuated non-physical aspects (like your mind and thoughts and state of being). That is looking at the results and letting that influence the cause. It is like short-circuiting the system. It will only lead to enhancing of that physical state. For example, if you look around you and see that you are broke, and you let that dictate to you that you are a broke being, and you keep thinking from a broke point of reference, and you think broke thoughts and thoughts of inability, you will remain broke.

The right way to do this is to never look at the ground, never look at the physical and let that dictate to you that this is who you are. You are not your conditions - you simply cause them. The correct thing to do if you are broke is to simply choose your greatest vision of yourself, a vision of wealth, and keep that state of being of wealth, those thoughts of wealth steady and ever present. Act as if you were wealthy, no matter what the physical looks like, no matter how broke your physical world looks like. This will turn around the physical to match your thoughts and state of being. Always remember, the physical follows the spiritual and the mental. It is the design of the universe.


One way of creating things in this word is by thoughts, words, and action. But this is the slow way to go about things. The faster way is by change of state. Being. For example, when you say that you are hungry, that is a state. When you are confident, that is a state. You are be-ing. You need nothing outside of yourself to be of a certain state. To acquire wealth, it is much, much more effective to be in a state of wealth, to make your being one of wealth, to feel wealthy and to think wealthy. Speak and act wealthy. You will have a hard time becoming wealthy if you feel poor and then think speak and act wealthy. Your state, how you feel about yourself, your being, your 'I Am' declarations -this is the fastest way to acquire wealth. The way you change your state is to decide to change your state. Simple. And you can do it now. It is like being unhappy and simply deciding that you are tired of being unhappy and you just decide to be happy. Everyone has done this before. Now do it with wealth.


This text was extracted from the book A Happy Pocket Full of Money
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Free Spiritual Writing Intro Course!

Free Spiritual Writing Intro Course!

From the heart of: Chris Cade

In less than 5 minutes from now, you can already be discovering how to use writing as a tool for spiritual growth.

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Reinvent Yourself

What you will find inside Personality Makeover:

* How to deal with emotional vampires.
* How to distance wisely from "fair weather friends."
* How to stop underselling yourself.
* One super easy technique to motivate yourself (even a child can do it!)
* How to choose the right personal philosophy in life.
* The amazing concept of reinvention.
* The reason why many people can't see and appreciate their own wonderful qualities.
* The reason why many people keep on relying on others in order to feel better.
* How to gain appreciation of other people's happiness.
* Why people feel insecure about their physical qualities.
* How to get to know yourself better.
* How to discover your passions in life.
* How to address your fears and insecurities.
* The factor that shapes your character and transforms you into a better person.
* The obstacles that hold people back from achieving their goals, and how to overcome them.
* Understand the world's unhappiest people.
* An important aspect that makes people successful in the things that they do.
* How to eliminate anger and other negative emotions from your heart.
* How to protect yourself from hurtful situations.
* The two kinds of criticisms, and the effects of each.
* What to do when people criticize you.
* What keeps you from loving yourself.
* How to deal with difficult families.
* How to "edit" your friends with the amazing Editing Technique.
* Outside factors that contribute to a person's lack of self-esteem and perpetuation of bad habits.
* The proper method to set goals.
* The effective way to visualize.
* Ingenious ways to take a break from the negativities surrounding you.
* How to shift your internal programming to get what you want.
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Are You a Free Thinker or an Intellectual Prostitute?

Are You a Free Thinker or an Intellectual Prostitute?

- by Tony Mase

© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

As a father whose world revolves around his eight-year-old
son, most of what little television I've watched over the
last eight years has been kids' shows, primarily cartoons.

Although I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, one of my
current favorites is "SpongeBob SquarePants".

I don't know why, it just is. :-)

One of my favorite episodes of "SpongeBob SquarePants" is
titled "Selling Out".

In this episode, SpongeBob's employer, Mr. Krabs, sells "The
Krusty Krab" restaurant for a trailer filled with suitcases
full of money to a corporate conglomerate that intends on
turning "The Krusty Krab" into a big chain.

Although it's what he always wanted, Mr. Krabs, now rich
beyond his wildest dreams, quickly discovers retirement
isn't all he thought it would be.

As a matter of fact...

He finds himself bored out of his mind with absolutely
nothing to do.


Mr. Krabs takes a job as a busboy and dishwasher at "The
Krusty Krab", now renamed "Krabby O' Mondays", only to find
out it's no longer the restaurant it once was...

Everything is now very carefully "scripted", tightly
controlled by a manager following corporate manuals full of
strictly enforced policies, procedures, rules and

Squidward is constantly smiling...

Mr. Krabs' beloved "Krabby Patties" are no longer made by
hand using the finest ingredients, but by a machine using
recycled garbage passed off by slick marketing to
unsuspecting customers as real food...


Even worse...

The customers' money is no longer collected by real sea
creatures, but by an automated cash register.

When Mr. Krabs questions Carl, the new manager of "Krabby O'
Mondays", Carl tells Mr. Krabs "it's better if you don't
know" and closes the office door in his face.

Unable to take anymore...

With SpongeBob and Squidward standing by, scared to death to
say anything for fear of being "punished"...

Mr. Krabs, who hasn't read the employee handbook, nor cares
to, violates company policy and...

Speaks out...


So loud...

Everyone, including the customers, can hear what he knew to
be "wrong".

With an "uprising" clearly underway...

Carl grabs his cell phone, calls corporate headquarters and
says something to the effect of:

Code red...

We have a free thinker!

When I first saw this episode of "SpongeBob SquarePants", it
immediately reminded me of a passage I'd read in a book just
a few days earlier and had been pondering...

In "How to Get What You Want", a book he wrote prior to "The
Science of Getting Rich", the book for which he's best
known, Wallace D. Wattles writes:

"If you are an employee and desire promotion, put life into
everything you do; put in more than enough life and interest
to fill each piece of work."

"But do not be servile; never be a flunkey; and above all
things avoid the intellectual prostitution which is the vice
of our times in many trades and most professions."

"I mean by this the being a mere hired apologist for and
defender of immorality, graft, dishonesty, or vice in any

"The intellectual prostitute may rise in the service, but he
is a lost soul."

"Respect yourself; be absolutely just to all; put LIFE into
every act and thought..."


Although Wallace D. Wattles wrote these words nearly one
hundred years ago, they could have just as easily been
written today.

Think about it...

The "intellectual prostitution which is the vice of our
times in many trades and most professions" has since risen
to the level of an art form and even become a profession in
and of itself.

All levels of business and government are virtually
overflowing with paid apologizers, defenders and ignorers of
immorality, graft, dishonesty, or vice...

People who've "sold out" their beliefs, morals and values
for a paycheck, and often not a very big one at that,
totally oblivious to the true cost...

"A lost soul," as Wallace D. Wattles put it.

Jesus, the Master Teacher, once asked:

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his own soul?"

With that in mind...

My question for you to ponder today is...

Are you a "free thinker" like Mr. Krabs or an "intellectual
prostitute" like Carl?

The choice is yours...

Make it a good one...

It may well mean the difference between having respect for
yourself and being "a lost soul". :-)


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost
Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
ebook by Wallace D.

"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"
"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles together
with twenty-four other rare books and articles written by
Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here => http://www.wallacedwattles.com

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